Pt II: Business Benefits Of Managing Time Effectively
Continuing our Skill Set & Habit Training series with PMB Ambassador and renowned business and life coach, Tom McCarthy, we’re excited to share his insights on something that’s essential to business success, but can be easily squandered without a plan. Effective time management.
As you settle into shelter-in-place mandates and your work from home routines, we couldn’t think of a better time to pick Tom’s brain on the topic of time management and how by leveraging your daily moments you can generate the most out of your business—while never jeopardizing your health, happiness, or personal commitments. To Tom McCarthy—who owns multiple business training companies and has coached and mentored dozens of Fortune 500 executives over his 30-plus year career—when you manage and segment your internal time wisely and purposefully you’ll rarely need to overwork to generate the results you desire.
“A lot of people think they have to work harder to succeed, but the reality is if you’re putting solid effort in you shouldn’t have to work harder. To me, working really long hours isn’t healthy. It can cause burn out and can hit your immune system hard, which you definitely don’t want now,” adds Tom—who after leaving his role as a Wall Street financial advisor was the National Sales & Marketing Manager for Tony Robbins’ Robbins Research International, Inc. before founding his own coaching companies.
So without hustling ‘round the clock or burning the midnight oil to the point of exhaustion, how can you maximize business growth and meet the financial goals you wish to obtain? As Tom teaches, the effectiveness of your actions not only determine how well you manage your time, it’s also crucial for meeting short- and long-term goals and producing the end results you’ve set out for yourself.
“We know there are negative consequences to overdoing it, but what you can get excited about overdoing is overdoing or doubling your effectiveness. When you double your effectiveness with the same amount of effort all of a sudden you get extra results. If you want to make more money, I tell people you need to figure out how, in the same amount of time, you can help two to three times as many people. For me, that’s really what I focus my time on. It’s about packing my day with inspired actions and actions that will increase my effectiveness in helping people. Because the amount of revenue that we generate is largely based upon the amount of people we help and the level that we can help them out.”
There is a simple system of action items Tom incorporates into his own life and suggests as ways for managing time effectively. Balancing these daily actions appropriately can help generate positive results in both your personal and professional life.
“There are two types of actions that you should take in a day. One is achievement actions, like making a call, sending an email, writing up something to get to a team, leading a team, or selling. All these things are actions that will help you achieve more, now and over time. But there’s also replenishment actions. Those are actions you’ve got to plan into your day like getting enough sleep, eating well, spending time with family and friends, and exercising to invigorate the system. I like to meditate at least once a day and I also like to learn and read as much as I can.”
If you ever feel you’re at a disadvantage, not meeting your own expectations, or are comparing yourself to others, know that each day is a level playing field that offers the same amount of time for success for everyone. Utilizing a simple action system, you raise your own value and increase the probability for the success you seek in business and life.
“One thing that everybody has an equal amount of is time. There is and will always be 24 hours in a day. How you spend your time will ultimately determine where you will end up in life,” says Tom.
Stay tuned for next week’s Skill Set & Habit Training edition as Tom McCarthy shares his knowledge about how to shape and organize your story when discussing the PMB Affiliate opportunity with prospects. To read Pt. I: Be A Presence of Belief During Uncertain Times visit here. Tap into more of Tom’s mindset knowledge by watching three of our previously recorded Saturday training sessions — click below and get caught up!