Discover How PAWS Hemp Extract Can Soothe Your Pet’s Stress
There are a handful of studies that will tell pet parents something they probably already know. Pets provide joy and happiness. They make the good times better and are the perfect pick-me-up when the clouds of a bad day hang over your home. With all of the love and empathy you have for your pet, you’ll do anything you can to uplift their health and happiness, especially when they are feeling the strain of stress and emotional tension.
Your Pets Feel Your Stress
Recent research shows that when people are stressed their pets can absorb those emotions too. For example, your pet has no idea that the coronavirus pandemic has impacted the health of millions, has confined people to their homes, and drastically altered economies and lifestyles for the foreseeable future. But what pets may understand, and very well feel, is the stress their parents are holding onto or projecting because of these circumstances.
“This happens when an animal starts to pick up on your energy or frequencies. It’s called the principle of entrainment,” says Dr. Marlene Siegel, PMB Veterinary Medical Advisor.
To minimize your own stress levels and to be an influence of positivity and support for your pet, Dr. Siegel recommends a few ways to get yourself back on track when feeling stressed. “We all want to be conscious of the amount of stress and negative energies we’re holding. If we’re putting off any, we want to refocus that negative energy into something positive. That can be getting some exercise, listening to some positive news, meditating and deep breathing, sitting outside, touching plants and doing some gardening. It could be finding purpose and passion in things you can do to impact people’s lives in a positive way.”
How Hemp Helps Relieve Pet Stress
For all breeds and sizes of cats and dogs, hemp extract works to improve mood and reduce stress in the same way it does for humans. All mammals have what’s known as an endocannabinoid system (ECS). The primary purpose of the ECS is to maintain a natural internal balance. When hemp’s cannabinoids enter the bloodstream they instinctively interact and communicate with the ECS’ series of receptors that are interconnected throughout your pet’s body.
The two primary receptors of the ECS include CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are found primarily in the brain and central nervous system, while CB2 receptors are located mostly in peripheral organs and immune cells. When your pet takes cannabinoids and terpenes, these hemp compounds activate both CB1 and CB2 receptors, which triggers a more robust balancing response by the ECS. The balance that a healthy ECS promotes is known to support feelings of calm, composure, and soothing relief from internal or external stressors.
PMB PAWS: An Advanced Wellness Supplement For Dogs & Cats
A huge advantage of PrimeMyBody’s PAWS supplement is that instead of delivering only one or two cannabinoids, it contains a full spectrum hemp extract that features a multitude of high quality hemp compounds. Because of the synergistic relationship these compounds have with one another, full spectrum hemp extract is known to have more impactful benefits for the pet you adore.
“Any time you take something in a whole plant-based form and you don’t break it apart and take one or two elements from it, then you’re going to have a lot more benefit from it in its natural state.”
In addition to high quality hemp cannabinoids and terpenes—and unlike most hemp extracts for pets on the market—PAWS also features a 100% organic blend of carefully selected wellness ingredients that work with the hemp extract blend to aid the mental and physical health of cats and dogs. Click here to check out an overview of each of PAWS’ ingredients and their benefits.