Meet Craig Beste
Take it from PrimeMyBody Affiliate Craig Beste, bull riding and working with rugged crane rigging 10 to 14 hours a day will take a toll on the body. Craig’s story is a perfect illustration of the physical and emotional relief thousands of people have felt since trying our hemp oil and extract products.
A 39-year affiliate marketing veteran, Craig feels his place in the industry has been rejuvenated since becoming a PrimeMyBody Affiliate. Recently, Craig spoke with us about why he jumped into the PrimeMyBody community and the results he and his wife have experienced using our hemp products.
First, can you fill us in a bit on your background?
I was in the Air Force for 14 years, then became a sales rep for a Yellow Pages company and have since sold new Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, and Harley Davidson vehicles. Then I went to work for a heavy rigging company. I’ve had 39 years of affiliate marketing experience. January of 1980 I was introduced to the wonderful world of Amway and have been involved in the industry ever since.
After Affiliate leader Carl Jebbia introduced you to PrimeMyBody, why did you decide becoming a PMB Affiliate was the right choice?
The immediate reaction was because the product worked so well. I’ve had health issues for years. When I got out of the Air Force in 1996, I went back to rodeo. I’ve broken all the big bones, most several times. I’m a real good weatherman because of it. My wife had been on different narcotics and an opioid for all her ailments. We got our first bottle on a Friday and didn’t take it because we had already taken some other medicine. Saturday morning we sampled the product, and 20 minutes later we were both in tears. I was back on the phone with JT and CJ, and the only questions we asked were how much is it and how do we get started? I have my gal back after nine years of limited conversations.
Did you have any experience with hemp oils prior to trying our hemp products?
We did, yes. Our sons own one of the largest glass shops, to be politically correct, out in Denver. CBD is the biggest part of their sales and what makes them profitable. They’ve been sending back to their mom everything they can think of to help her. Some we had no results with, others we had mediocre results.
What are your thoughts on RECEPT as a catalyst for Affiliate business growth?
First, I love the taste. We don’t have to overcome the alcohol or THC objection, which is a huge plus. Everybody likes the price. As soon as we get an order, the bottles get spoken for before they even arrive. When you’ve got a product that talks for itself it’s amazing.
I’ve had a lot of success in this business…made some very good incomes over a 39-year period, but I’ve also had some significant failures. It’s the industry that a guy like me keeps coming back to. Now that we’ve got the right products we can take this industry and business to its limits.
What are your thoughts on how hemp and hemp oil are viewed by the public?
Well, we have a lot of educating still to do. There are still states that are very conservative, communities that are very conservative, and law enforcement agencies that need to be educated. We’ve got to help people understand and separate marijuana from hemp…and help them understand the differences, that there is not a drug in what we have.
Everybody already knows something about hemp. The news is already telling us some things about it. Billboards in the St. Louis area are telling us about hemp. Everyone is seeing and hearing about hemp. It’s up to us to educate and get the word out accurately, that’s for sure.
Cheers to you, Craig Beste.