Meet Jeff Reed—PMB Affiliate
A two-time Super Bowl winner for the National Football League’s Pittsburgh Steelers, Jeff Reed knows a few things about being in the spotlight. With millions of people focused on him and his leg, he’s kicked game-winning field goals in the sports’ biggest moments.
He’s seen the heights that come with professional athletic success, but also knows what the other side looks like. After his nine-year career in the NFL ended in 2010, Jeff struggled mentally and physically adapting to life off the field. Seemingly at the moment when he began to shift his outlook and actions, he was introduced to PrimeMyBody’s products and business opportunities.
New to affiliate marketing, Jeff sat down with us to tell his story about building his PrimeMyBody business, how he’s created a life filled with positivity, and what the PrimeMyBody community means to him.
Before we talk about your experience as a PMB Affiliate, would you mind telling us one of your most memorable moments in the NFL?
Anyone whose won a Super Bowl ring would probably say that. The one that sticks out in my mind is when we played the New York Jets in the 2004 playoffs. We had a first-round bye and the Jets came to our place. They shouldn’t have been on the same field as us, because we were so much better, but it was pretty neck-and-neck the whole game. They had an opportunity at the end of regulation to win and their kicker missed a field goal. In overtime, I hit a 30-something yarder to win the game.
It was a cool feeling to win the game and help my team go on to the next round of the playoffs. It’s always cool to be part of something successful. When we got in the locker room everybody was acting like fools and having a good time. Jerome Bettis (Hall of Fame running back) came up to me and literally jumped in my arms. I caught him like he was a baby and he is not a small guy. He said to me, “Man, I’m so glad you’re a part of this team.” To play with those guys was really cool, but to know them as friends is even cooler.
Where did life take you after your playing career came to an end?
I made some great decisions and made some bad decisions. You go from making pretty heavy checks to zero just like that. You don’t get paid a dollar after your NFL career or contract is up. I battled severe depression. I hit a wall about five years ago. It was just life. It was literally just life. When I tell people their heart drops because I’m the life of the party. I like to make people laugh.
I was overworking myself in a car dealership as a finance guy. Not only was I on anti-depressants, I was on weight-loss pills. On blood pressure medicine. I was gaining weight. I was just a miserable person. I knew when I looked in the mirror I was looking at the guy I wasn’t, but I wasn’t doing anything about it.
How were you able to make a breakthrough mentally and physically?
I left the dealership about 12 months ago. I lost 35 pounds and I’ve been kickboxing for the past few months. Been putting on muscle and feel like an athlete again. I have a long way to go but have totally changed my outlook. I just prayed. I’m not the most religious guy, but I do believe in a higher power. When I left the dealership I was making $15,000 to $18,000 a month which is very good money, but when you look at all the hours I was working it just wasn’t worth it. Even if it was $50,000 a month I would’ve been miserable. I love to help people and asked what can I do? I’d say, “Put something in my lap, even if I have to step out my comfort zone or do something I know nothing about.” And in May of last year I started my PrimeMyBody business.
You’re new to affiliate marketing. Tell us about your experience building and growing your PrimeMyBody business.
It’s very different because I’ve always been used to working for someone else. I’m learning daily. There’s way more ups than downs. I’m surrounding myself with better people who make better decisions. That’s what this product and this company has done for me. I like the fact that if I want to watch a game or go out of town I can. But at the same time if you don’t work and put it in the effort you don’t succeed.
How has PMB’s Nano-Enhanced Hemp Oil personally helped you?
When I started taking it I was harking on all my what-ifs, looking at the past instead of moving forward. Yes, the hemp oil helped my body and the discomfort I’ve felt from decades of playing sports at a high level. Whether it’s age or putting your body through hell, breaking down is a part of life. So of course I saw improvement there. But the mental clarity is what got me excited. I said, “Damn, this is the real deal.” It changed my mind from being so damn negative. Helped me get away from negativity.
I’ve had people come up to me and say I’ve changed. When I ask them if that’s bad they say, “No, it’s just you’re more laid back and comfortable.” I don’t think I’ve changed—it’s just my body and mind are becoming who I am and who I’ve been. I just didn’t know that.”
What are your thoughts about hemp oil and CBD becoming recognized nationwide as a reliable wellness and health resource?
Well, it’s all over the news now, but a lot of people are very uneducated about it. Some people, like Nancy Howard (PMB Affiliate), will blow your mind with how much they know about it. The way our product is makes it so easy to explain why ours is superior to others. I didn’t know what liposomal or bioavailable meant and now I know all those terms. I do like it because it can be a bit of a controversial product and I can be a bit of a controversial person in the sense that I like to stir the pot. If a product like hemp oil can stir the pot and be a healthy, legal alternative to other things, it’s the best thing in the world to me.
Any thoughts on the PrimeMyBody community and culture?
The first big event I went to was in Denver. I’m just looking around the room, and people were dancing, smiling, just looking happy. The PrimeMyBody community itself is amazing from the top down. You have the CEO, who is super humble. CEOs don’t really show their faces a lot and this dude is everywhere. He personally reached out to me after I spoke at the Charleston event to tell me my story was very powerful. If you have a CEO who is like that, your company, for the most part, is going to be great.
And J.T. has done about 12 presentations with me. Nancy Howard and Jennifer Vanderhoff have been fantastic. Everybody I’ve met, whether they’re on my team or an Affiliate on a different team, 99 percent are just so nice and positive. We’re a different breed. We have so many groups of communities and personality types all coming together. It’s a very non-judgmental organization, which I like. Everyone is personable, fun, full of life. Everyone has something special to offer.
Please have my PMB Afiliate contact me his name is Jeff Reed I lost my phone along with all my contacts. My name is Jeff Wallace thanks .
Jeff, did you ever get in touch with Jeff? If not, we will do our best to assist. Thanks!